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Preview     Size    Date    Description of Desktop Themes
shad       1413k   1998-11-15      Shadamehr encounters Baakash
 Doctor's Choice
copilot    5601k   2001-10-14      Copilot - First album (Arizona band)

wc2theme   1113k   1996-06-20      Warcraft (game)

ostheme     668k   2001-05-14      Office Space (movie)

sonicada   2805k   2001-12-02      Sonic Adventure 2 - Amy (Sega game)

sonicads   7498k   2001-12-02      Sonic Adventure 2 - Project Shadow (Sega game)

sonicadt   8806k   2001-12-02      Sonic Adventure 2 - Tails (Sega game)

sonicadv   3255k   2001-12-02      Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic (Sega game) (13255Kb)

quakethe   1347k   1996-09-11      Quake (high quality theme)

xfthem15   1582k   1996-06-20      X-Files (tv show)

train      1125k   1999-11-01      Train - Meet Virginia (band)

stlouist    348k   1997-01-23      St. Louis

t2mega     3161k   1999-07-03      Terminator II Special Edition (movie)

sonic       620k   2001-09-10      Sonic The Hedgehog (game)

sontheme    550k   1996-10-07      Sonic the Hedgehog
 High Quality
vtmr       2956k   2000-09-05      Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption (video game)

fireline   3621k   2003-02-16      Life on the Fireline (fire fighting)

progress   2837k   2003-02-16      Progression of a Wildfire (fire fighting)

minitruk   2780k   1998-11-28      Minitruck for a radical ride

chamcham    776k   1999-08-04      Cham Cham from Samurai Shodown 2

psotheme    996k   2001-05-14      Phantasy Star Online (video game)

3threat    1240k   2001-04-01      Triple Threat (exotic birds)

draco      1280k   2000-09-29      Draco (Dragon) (fantasy?)

pm_ark     2634k   2001-05-14      Precious Moments - Noahs Ark
 Below Average
pmoments     97k   1999-09-01      Precious Moments Chapel

quantuml   1498k   1999-02-14      Quantum Leap (old tv series)

thez        383k   2004-09-01      Linux look for Web from the makers of

zipps       383k   2004-09-03      Chrome Z on a really good background from

lilearth   2117k   1998-07-08      Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes (album)

bstheme    1490k   1999-10-16      Britney Spears (singer)

thecure    2600k   1999-12-26      The Cure - 2 themes (English rock band)
 High Quality
cr_house   1204k   1998-03-22      Crowded House (band)

heidi      2682k   1999-09-01      Heidi Klum (model)

midn_oil   1067k   1998-03-22      Midnight Oil (band)

tekken3     536k   1997-11-19      Tekken 3 (arcade game)

cradle     1453k   1999-12-26      Cradle of Filth (black metal band)

dimmubor   1896k   1999-12-26      Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions (Black Metal)

garage     2193k   1999-12-26      Metallica - Garage Inc (band)

matrix10    655k   2000-09-13      The Matrix (scifi movie)

dheart96   1000k   1997-02-20      Dragonheart (movie)

baseball    882k   1997-09-03      General baseball (Ruth, Gehrig)

liver      1859k   2002-11-11      A tour around Merseyside

metthem2   1192k   1996-10-15      Metallica (band)
 Average Quality
stgenthm    967k   1996-06-20      Star Trek Generations (movie)

ddrtheme   1327k   2002-04-13      Dance Dance Revolution (game) (XP)

vhtheme    2382k   1996-11-27      Van Halen (band)

vhtheme2   3171k   1996-06-20      Van Halen (band)

vhthm22    1464k   1996-09-12      Van Halen - Balance (band)

bluebird   1064k   1998-10-24      Eastern Bluebird

starcra    2822k   2003-08-17      Spaghetti Space Opera (1979 classic film)

thmxmen1    495k   2002-08-03      X-Men - Storm, Iceman, Bishop and Psylocke

thmxvsx     643k   2002-08-03      X-Men versus X-Men (cartoon)

satan      2299k   1997-03-06      Satan (Demon tested, devil approved)

1968       1270k   2000-10-22      The Psychedelic 1960s
 Doctor's Choice
artdeco     486k   2000-09-10      Art Deco - style popular in 1920s - 30s
 Doctor's Choice
camping     675k   1999-11-27      Tent camping with screensaver
 Average Quality
ireland     971k   1999-10-16      Ireland (country)
 High Quality
kitchen     755k   2000-09-10      Kitchen (room in a house)
 Doctor's Choice
miles       969k   2000-09-10      Miles Davis (jazz trumpeter)
 Average Quality
newmexco    777k   2000-09-10      New Mexico (USA) - Land of Enchantment
 High Quality
produce     754k   1999-09-24      Fruits-n-Veggies
 Doctor's Choice
tdrubycn   1218k   1999-09-01      Tangerine Dream - Rubycon album (band)

tekno       259k   1997-01-23      Tekno

tekno2      819k   1998-06-25      Techno Music (2nd version)
 Doctor's Choice
tekno3     1074k   2000-09-06      Techno music and fractals
 High Quality
wizofoz     867k   2001-04-01      Wizard of Oz (the book more than the movie)

wondrlnd   1014k   2000-09-06      Alice in Wonderland
 High Quality
cowboys    2072k   1998-03-22      Dallas Cowboys

schnlist    798k   1998-09-16      Schindler's List (holocaust movie)
 Doctor's Choice
chicoman   5276k   2004-06-13      Chico and the Man (1970s tv series)

swetheme    358k   1997-12-12      Sound Wave Energy (medicine)

elise       753k   2002-04-13      Lotus Elise - Exotic Sports Car

beatlthe   2452k   1998-03-22      Beatles (band)
 Average Quality
borgthe    1839k   1998-02-20      Star Trek Borg

bushthe    2794k   1998-03-22      Bush (British band)

vc_blue    2644k   2004-06-15      Vice City (game) (NOTE
hendrix    1237k   1996-11-27      Jimi Hendrix (singer)

jimi       1275k   1996-06-20      Jimi Hendrix

rhcpohm    2145k   1997-01-23      Red Hot Chili Peppers (band)

kspacey     897k   2002-04-13      Sights and sounds of Kevin Spacey with screensaver

matrxor2   5599k   2003-01-05      The Matrix Doctor's Choice
debbie     4153k   1998-10-24      Aerosmith - Debbie (band)

fiercfem   3553k   1998-10-24      Fiercely Feminine - Sounds by Jackyl

godsave    2068k   1998-10-10      Queen sings for Royals of Boulevard

leon       3584k   1998-10-24      Leon Russell - Anything LP (musician)

riders     2144k   1998-10-10      Riders - Lightning Strikes Again

animals     179k   1996-10-31      Animals

tafkap      795k   1997-01-23      The Artist Formerly Known as Prince

sg1pa1     1373k   1999-04-24      StarGate SG-1 (tv series) (same?)

sg1pav2    1373k   1999-04-17      StarGate SG-1 (tv series) (same?)

praise     1742k   1999-08-04      Praise archive

hldreg1p   5867k   2002-12-21      Highlander Endgame (movie)

hldreg2p   4170k   2002-12-21      Highlander Endgame (movie)

hldreg3p   5013k   2002-12-21      Highlander Endgame (movie)

corky       278k   2001-10-14      Corky (video game)

budweisr    499k   1999-06-06      Budweiser Beer

dragon2    1075k   1999-05-14      Dragon (fantasy)
 High Quality
isis       1096k   1998-11-15      Isis

ofdream    2985k   1998-09-07      Of Dreams (category?)

tttheme    1002k   1998-12-20      Thomas the Tank Engine (cartoon)

nlvac       948k   2001-06-09      National Lampoon - Christmas Vacation (movie)

protoj      535k   2001-03-06      Protocol Junction Windows 9x/2000

mustang    1814k   2000-09-10      Ford Mustang
 Below Average
aefluxmv   4463k   2006-02-11      Aeon Flux

amerchop   4161k   2006-02-11      American Chopper

batbegmv   3587k   2005-09-12      Batman Begins

batman66   2846k   2001-05-14      1966 Batman TV Show
 High Quality
bbrotj1    1728k   2002-01-27      Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker

benny      3157k   2001-05-14      The Benny Hill Show (BBC tv series)

bhjangof   2967k   2004-05-07      Bounty Hunter (video game) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
blazsadd   4030k   2003-05-31      Blazing Saddles (movie)

bobdougm   1975k   2004-02-11      Bob and Doug McKenzie (tv show)

cadshack   2471k   2003-01-06      Caddyshack (1980 comedy movie) (XP)
 High Quality
chchocmv   4258k   2005-09-14      Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

codekids   2914k   2005-06-12      Codename Kids Next Door

danmouse   2497k   2002-12-21      Danger Mouse (cartoon)

ddevilmv   2161k   2002-11-11      Daredevil (movie)

dhardmv    2499k   2003-01-20      Die Hard (movie)

docwhoce   4543k   2006-05-17      Doctor Who - 9th Incarnation

ent2001    1017k   2001-09-10      Star Trek - Enterprise

escnewyk   2021k   2003-01-20      Escape From New York (movie)

fanformv   5437k   2005-09-14      Fantastic Four (2005 movie)

ffmovie1   2358k   2003-01-20      Fantastic Four (movie)

frankym    3185k   2001-12-02      Young Frankenstein (movie)

frdvsjas   3192k   2003-08-31      Freddy vs Jason (movie) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
fridaymv   6449k   2003-01-20      Friday the 13th - themes for all 10 movies

gahtheme   2113k   2001-05-14      The Greatest American Hero (1980s tv series)

gstrdrmv   7171k   2007-03-16      Ghost Rider (movie)

hallowmv   2887k   2002-11-11      Halloween (movie)

haquintm   1736k   2003-01-20      Harley Quinn (cartoon)

harvbird   2776k   2005-11-30      Harvey Birdman Attorney

hguidemv   3279k   2005-09-23      Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (2005 movie)

hofwaxmv   3114k   2005-06-21      House of Wax

hoodwkmv   3251k   2006-03-27      Hoodwinked

hulkmvtm   3283k   2003-05-18      The Hulk (movie) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
jcthing    3527k   2003-01-20      The Thing (John Carpenter sci-fi movie)

jeffdcom   2997k   2006-08-21      Jeff Dunham & Friends

kimpostv   3962k   2004-06-11      Kim Possible (cartoon)

lctrgame   4708k   2006-08-21      Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend

ldeathcm   4231k   2004-12-18      Lady Death

lofexgen   3149k   2003-08-17      League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (movie)

lotbiamv   3286k   2003-08-17      Looney Tunes Back in Action Movie

lsuitlar   3032k   2006-03-16      Leisure Suit Larry (video game)

madgscar   3438k   2005-09-23      Madagascar (movie)

mbros      1919k   2003-01-06      Marx Brothers (actors and comedians) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
monhouse   3364k   2006-08-21      Monster House (movie)

mupshwtv   6025k   2003-05-19      Muppet Show (tv puppet series) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
nwsradtv   2808k   2004-06-26      NewsRadio (tv series)

pcdedman   4497k   2006-08-28      Pirates Dead Mans Chest (movie)

pirotcar   4929k   2003-09-16      Pirates of the Caribbean (movie) (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
producmv   3554k   2006-03-27      The Producers

punishmv   3682k   2004-03-28      The Punisher (movie)

quleaptv   2794k   2003-04-06      Quantum Leap (sci-fi tv series)

scarymv4   3537k   2006-05-17      Scary Movie 4

snoonmov   4357k   2003-04-06      Shanghai Noon (movie)

sp1999tv   2459k   2003-05-31      Space 1999 (sci-fi tv series)

spidermv   3246k   2002-07-05      Spider-man (XP)
 Doctor's Choice
svilletv   2895k   2003-01-06      Smallville (tv series) (XP)
 High Quality
thebmans   2552k   2004-07-07      The Batman

triprift   1984k   2004-06-23      Tripping The Rift

vanhelmv   4551k   2004-06-07      Van Helsing (movie)

wgcurrab   3514k   2005-12-27      Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Wallace and Gromit)

pop        1592k   1998-08-28      Popeye the Sailor Man (cartoon)

ugtheme    2536k   1999-08-04      NEO Underground

doatheme   2172k   1999-07-18      Dead Or Alive (game)
 Doctor's Choice
reanim      960k   2001-05-14      Re-Animator (movie)

drwho96     438k   1996-09-11      Doctor Who high color plus!

2sesats    2368k   2002-09-10      Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (tv series)

7ofnine     651k   2001-09-10      Star Trek - Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan)

aem        2071k   2001-09-11      Manhattan with the flag covering the background

mafia      2456k   1999-02-14      Godfather - Scarface (movie)

indy        975k   1999-12-26      Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (game)

livetc     4046k   1997-11-19      Live - Throwing Copper (band)

Preview     Size    Date    Description of Screensavers
perry      1116k   2000-05-08      Matthew Perry "Chandler Bing"
3daurora   2225k   2003-09-03      3D scene of the Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights
frsca02e   1532k   2002-09-10      Friscos RSCA 2002-2003 screensaver
frsca02f   1532k   2002-09-10      Friscos RSCA 2002-2003 screensaver
frsca02n   1532k   2002-09-10      Friscos RSCA 2002-2003 screensaver
liverscr   2658k   2002-10-19      Scenes from Merseyside, England
camaroz2   3220k   2000-05-08      Camaro Z28
msrrss      834k   2002-03-27      Miscar Redrum

Preview     Size    Date    Description of Wallpapers
3d_pinef    583k   2002-10-12      3D pine forest - created using Corel Bryce 5
manu        757k   2000-10-01      Manchester United Soccer Club (sport)
13digi      669k   2004-10-24      3D Digital Art - New from the makers of
23dlinx     367k   2004-12-02      A new linix digital style design from
karisara    115k   2002-03-15      Kari Wuhrer and Sarah Jane
benz120     424k   2002-10-12      Mercedes Benz 120
holywood    857k   2000-11-18      Marilyn Manson - In the Shadow of the Valley of Death
hlewis      288k   2003-04-17      Huey Lewis (800X600 jpg)
anakinsi    197k   2002-08-11      Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Padawan learner
donovan     120k   2002-10-12      Frank Donovan from UC
haydensi    250k   2002-08-11      Hayden Christensen - known as Anakin Skywalker
hpchamb     288k   2002-08-11      Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (movie)
natiport    187k   2002-08-11      Natalie Portman and her well known alter ego Padme
odedchar    228k   2002-10-12      Oded Fehr's three major characters
oliversi    272k   2002-08-11      Oliver Wood - Harry Potter character (movie)
orlibsi     158k   2002-08-11      Orlando Bloom pictured in Harpers Bazaar
tmriddle    235k   2002-08-11      Tom Riddle - Harry Potter character (movie)
triohpsi    298k   2002-08-11      Harry, Ron, Hermione - Harry Potter characters (movie)
scottnat   8458k   2004-04-11      Scenery from Scotland
sts107     3056k   2003-04-17      Valiant Columbia Crew - STS-107
charang    1197k   2000-11-18      Charlies Angels (2000 movie)
ots-cs      398k   2002-03-15      Sunset Skyscape
ots-se      224k   2002-03-15      Solar Eclipse
ots-ssky    166k   2002-03-15      Stormy Evening Skyscape
ots-sunr    285k   2002-03-15      Sunrise Skyscape
ots-twil    321k   2002-03-15      Cloudy Twilight Skyscape

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